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I am totally new to Notion. I started with Finale in 2005 & progressed to Sibelius 2009 & now am thinking of trying Notion--which I have in my Sphere subscription.

OK. So, I have the monthly East West subscription & I wish to use the Orchestral samples in Notion. I have copied over the East West Pre-sets to the relevant folder, etc.

In my score, what text do I need to type to get my playback to move between the various patches? is it mapping? Do I need to set anything up manually, etc?

I literally have no idea what to do, & having searched for several hours the forums, I am still at a loss.
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by mennobosgra on Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:01 am
I'm in the same boat here. I use SWAM woodwinds and can't get Notion 6 to playback dynamics at all, simply nothing happens, even when set from pppp to ffff with hairpins and stuff. I've read the documentation about how to set up rules and how to apply them to an instrument a thousand times, went thorugh the process meticulously, searched the internet to find a solution, but there's nothing that seems to get me going, it's becoming very frustrating.
If you've figured something out in the meantime and got it working, please let me know.
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by davidlarson6 on Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:31 am
I think those libraries use Expression or Mod Wheel to control dynamics, rather than Velocity, so the Rule needs to set that accordingly.


Windows 10, i9, 64GB, 3X 1TB SSDs; Macbook Pro M1 Pro, 32GB, 1TB SSD
Audient iD14, Atom SQ, Keystep 37, Studiologic SL88, Moog Sub Phatty, Kawai MP11SE, Roli Seaboard.
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by mennobosgra on Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:18 pm
Yes, they are controlled by CC11, which is active, based on the settings. Could you please check the attached screenshots? Maybe I'm missing something? Please note that I'm new to Notion, but have a lot of experience with Finale, Dorico and Cubase, so i'm not a rookie :D

Rules SWAM.zip
Contains two screenshots: one with Rule settings, one with setting of SWAM Bassoon
(403.33 KiB) Downloaded 181 times
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by davidlarson6 on Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:53 pm
You could try changing the "keyswitch" setting in the Rule to "Only Note On." That's what some libraries want.

I'm not really very knowledgeable about the rulesets, either. Maybe soon someone will come along who knows what they're doing! :)


Windows 10, i9, 64GB, 3X 1TB SSDs; Macbook Pro M1 Pro, 32GB, 1TB SSD
Audient iD14, Atom SQ, Keystep 37, Studiologic SL88, Moog Sub Phatty, Kawai MP11SE, Roli Seaboard.
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by acequantum on Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:59 pm

What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to set up a staff with a specific instrument because you mention changing patches. Or is your staff set up to a specific instrument and you want to change to another instrument at a particular measure?
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by markandrew3 on Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:20 am
acequantum wroteMarkandrew3,

What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to set up a staff with a specific instrument because you mention changing patches. Or is your staff set up to a specific instrument and you want to change to another instrument at a particular measure?

Hi, I am trying to figure out once having set up my score & added the VST libraries--which I have managed to do--for example EWQLSO Violins I, & importing the 'Legacy EWQL Presets' which opens in the Play all the samples for Violin I included in this Present; but how, when scoring, I cause the notes being played to alternate between the different samples for Violin I, I just cannot figure.

Did that make sense?
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by davidlarson6 on Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:56 am
The EWQL "lite" samples should work natively with Notion. You should be able to load them directly from the instrument menu in the SETUP SCORE screen, and they should respond to dynamic notation markings and playing instructions automatically.


Windows 10, i9, 64GB, 3X 1TB SSDs; Macbook Pro M1 Pro, 32GB, 1TB SSD
Audient iD14, Atom SQ, Keystep 37, Studiologic SL88, Moog Sub Phatty, Kawai MP11SE, Roli Seaboard.
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by acequantum on Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:07 pm

Like Davidlarson6 said: if you were able to select the instrument from the preset list (and based on what you wrote you were able to) then the techniques should be available to you.

From the pallet at the buttom of the screen, you should see EWQL Tech. If you click on that it should show you the different play styles available. You would select from that list, choose the note on your score where you want it to start and notion should place the text at that point.

notion ewql sym orc techniques.JPG

notion ewql sym orc spic.JPG
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by markandrew3 on Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:36 am
acequantum wroteHi,

Like Davidlarson6 said: if you were able to select the instrument from the preset list (and based on what you wrote you were able to) then the techniques should be available to you.

From the pallet at the buttom of the screen, you should see EWQL Tech. If you click on that it should show you the different play styles available. You would select from that list, choose the note on your score where you want it to start and notion should place the text at that point.

notion ewql sym orc techniques.JPG

notion ewql sym orc spic.JPG

Oh! Its that straight forward ... Silly me! I thought it would be similar to Sibelius! where using the imported house styles from a website I then had to write in the different samples to create the switch.

Thanks! I shall try this!
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by joebanko on Sun Sep 11, 2022 3:55 pm
Thanks folks! Got some very interesting insights into using the EW libraries. I also saw something about "lite" samples. I want to use about 12 keyswitched instruments but the size I see loading is upwards of 1G each! I don't have an SSD so my poor iMac i7 4.2GHz chokes on performing the composition.
So any pointers would be appreciated!


Joe B
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by joebanko on Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:12 pm
Whoops, hate to tell you folks but this is NOT what I'm seeing or hearing. I've loaded the Violin Keyswitch patch from the EW Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition. At the area right of the bartool (indicated by the red arrow in the previous post) I see VSTi Tech.
I get 2 rows of techniques and I selected vibrato. The cursor tool changed to "vib." I selected the note a nd clicked on it. vib. appeared above the note but when played there was no vibrato on that note or any following notes. Tried this with other techniques and NADA. All I get is a straight played violin note.
If I add a C0 note to the F3 note I get the F3 and E3 played as Sus NV NV VB Solo and the D#0 on the D3 will causes the D3 and C3 to be played Spiccato RRx4 which are the keyswitch techniques on the Solo Violin KS Master in EW.
So nice to be banging my head against software instead of writing music. Sorry I've gone glassy-eyed reading manuals and online posts for a week or so. Excuse my sarcasm.


Joe B

ps Can I only include pictures as files and not paste then directly into the post???

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by joebanko on Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:49 am
Hey folks,

A further update. I also have Studio One 5 so all my composition will be done in Notion 6 and transferred over to SO5 for voicing. One of the folks over at EW told me how to get around the huge file size of keyswitch instruments, make my own. Here is the info for anyone interested:

See page 81 of the manual. http://media.soundsonline.com/manuals/E ... Manual.pdf

Now my keyswitch instruments are 300K and smaller, big change from 1.4G.

Hope this helps,

Joe B

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