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Hi all,

I cannot find a pure and only Dal Segno (D.S.) or Da Capo (D.C.) in the menu or somewhere else, even it is mentioned in the user guide (11.15).
I see only the combinations with "al Fine" or "al Coda".

Thanks for help!
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by acequantum on Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:44 am

If you don't require playback functionality, you can just enter the text using a text box ( D.C. or D.S. etc) . If you want playback functionality, you need to include the predefined combination and the appropriate terminator markings.
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by nathanielwalker2 on Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:56 pm
bjoernsoltwedel wroteHi all,

I cannot find a pure and only Dal Segno (D.S.) or Da Capo (D.C.) in the menu or somewhere else, even it is mentioned in the user guide (11.15).
I see only the combinations with "al Fine" or "al Coda".

Thanks for help!

11.15 in the user guide.

There is no such thing as "a pure and only" D.S. or D.C. What signals the termination is either inferred or specified.

Having a Da Capo without a Fine, for example, is like putting the entire aria on cycle and expecting it to magically stop after the repeat of the A section. What stops the software from endlessly looping, is knowing what signals the stop when it makes the jump. In manuscripts, specifying Da Capo without a suffix usually inferred Fine as the termination. That is why you would see it written alone.

So, you always have DC al Fine, al Coda... whatever was needed.
For JUST Da Capo, (using Baroque opera as an example) Fine was usually inferred when nothing else was specified, because the arias were composed in ABA structure. Due to that, you could get one Opera Manuscript with D.C. al fine and only Da Capo used for different arias within the same manuscript. Both meant the same thing, the same way you could notate a trill with a jagged line or a "tr" symbol.

This all depended on how much the composer wanted to write at that point. Maybe they were tired, or had wrist pain that day... or wanted to save ink, etc. Who knows :-P

There is no point in taking such shortcuts when working on a computer. Just specify the entire thing. No one was ever chastised for being specific ;-)
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by nathanielwalker2 on Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:03 pm
acequantum wroteHi,

If you don't require playback functionality, you can just enter the text using a text box ( D.C. or D.S. etc) . If you want playback functionality, you need to include the predefined combination and the appropriate terminator markings.

Even if he doesn't require playback, entering Da Capo without a termination marker makes no sense.

It's basically a Syntax Error.

Without a specified termination, almost any musician reading the score will infer Fine, and backtrack to look for the Fine marking, but they won't find it. They will have to guess where the Da Capo should terminate (most won't, they will have to ask the composer).
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by acequantum on Mon Jan 08, 2024 10:55 am
That's fine. The composer's notation goal can can still be achieved.
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by bjoernsoltwedel on Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:42 am
Hi all,
thank you for your feedback. Of course I can add just a text, but then there is no Playback functionality. Because D.S. and D.C. is mentioned in the user guide together with the other options, I expected to have a Playback function.
I learned, that with D.S. / D.C. the end can be defined with the final barline, too. In this case, an additional "Fine" would be double and unnecessary, also in terms of simplification. Means a use of "Fine" is just necessary, if that point will be somewhere else in the sheet.

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