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Have any of you experienced this with S1? It started happening after recording in S1 where it says the drive can't be ejected because apps or a program are using it. It's my recording drive. I've never had this happen with Pro Tools. It only seems to happen after working in S1 5 for a while.

I can start the session, then close it right away, and I can eject the drive fine, but it seems like after working for a while, several hours; walking away from the computer, coming back and recording, etc (stuff I've always done in Pro Tools), it seems that when I want to eject the drive when shutting down my Mac, it always says it's being used by an app. I don't know that it's actually Studio One, but the only factor that has changed is using S1 and recording.

Have any of you guys experienced anything like this?

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter
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by mikesupina on Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:59 pm
Ok, strange observation.

Yesterday, when I deleted unused audio from the "Remove unused audio", I noticed the trash can (on a mac) didn't show any deleted files. I logged out and then back in and still didn't see any files. Today when I turned on my mac, I then saw all of the files in the trash.

Could this be why the drive is having trouble? Is this a drive issue, or a S1 issue? It makes sense that the drive is "being used" even though there is no evidence of that with S1 being closed and quit, but it's moving these files to the trash, even though you can't see them there.

That's the only thing I can think of at least. The drive is fairly new by the way; a Sandisk Extreme Portable SSD. I know drives can fail, but the only time this seems to happen is when using S1. Thoughts?

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter
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by j0001s on Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:48 am
I've had this happen before, but not so far with Studio One. But we most certainly use S1 differently, so that doesn't mean much.

Just shut down, then remove the drive. Shutdown will kill all the processes, including the one that is holding on to the file. All will be well.
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by mikesupina on Sat Nov 19, 2022 2:55 pm
j0001s wroteI've had this happen before, but not so far with Studio One. But we most certainly use S1 differently, so that doesn't mean much.

Just shut down, then remove the drive. Shutdown will kill all the processes, including the one that is holding on to the file. All will be well.

I appreciate the response! I usually just shut it down, but it's making me wonder what is causing this and how to get to the root of the issue. I notice sometimes that my trash in my mac fills up with files from S1 that weren't there before shutting down which makes me wonder if it's S1 doing some kind of processes in the background that I don't know about like indexing files (I don't even know if that's a think; just throwing ideas out there). I certainly don't want this to be a thing with this drive all of the time though because it never was until I started really using and recording with S1.

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter
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by mikesupina on Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:20 pm
Bumping this up again. This literally only seems to be happening with S1. I'll spend some time soon tracking with Pro Tools and see if I run into this, but it's only when I get done using and recording in Studio One.

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter
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by PreAl on Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:14 am
So if you quit studio one or offending app you can eject? If so I don't see the issue, I would never have an app open that is using the drive.

Intel i9 9900K (Gigabyte Z390 DESIGNARE motherboard), 32GB RAM, EVGA Geforce 1070 (Nvidia drivers).
Dell Inspiron 7591 (2 in 1) 16Gb.
Studio One Pro 6.x, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental).
Presonus Quantum 2626, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom SQ, Atom Pad, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, a number of hardware synths.
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by mikesupina on Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:37 pm
PreAl wroteSo if you quit studio one or offending app you can eject? If so I don't see the issue, I would never have an app open that is using the drive.

Thank you for the reply! So, no, it doesn't work this way. I quit S1 and any other apps, and it still says the drive is being used. I've had my computer on for a few hours now, and I just ejected all of my drives just fine, including the one that has the issues. I however did NOT use S1 today. It seems the only culprit is when I'm recording or doing prolonged work in S1 because this issue never existed with this drive until I started recording and using S1 for longer periods of time.

Once again, quitting all apps doesn't change this. I have to shut down the computer without ejecting that particular drive.

Now, something came to mind about all of this. I DID delete bounced files from a session WHILE that session was still open. I did not realize that S1 creates it's own "Bounces" folder, so I was experimenting with this and trying to figure out why this happens (I still think that's a bad idea personally; they should all just go to the Audio folder as to avoid splitting up audio files of a project between two folders, but I digress).

So I'm wondering; could it be that S1 is looking for these files some how in the background since I deleted them while the song was still open? The files that were bounced are NOT being used in the song; they were just test bounces of tracks. Could it have something to do with the Cache of the sessions, and I could try deleting the Cache? It's strange though, because it happens where the drive can't be ejected while using other songs, and I didn't even open the other song where I deleted those bounced files. It seems S1, to me, is the only culprit here.

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter
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by mikesupina on Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:06 am
Gotta post another reply here. So, tried to eject the disk as I'm shutting down for the night. I opened S1 a few hours earlier to clear caches in the sessions I did and resave projects. Now, the disk won't eject. The only culprit I can think of is that S1 is using the disk in some way?? But I quit S1. Is there any test I can do? It literally only happens when I open S1.

EDIT: OK, confirmation for sure that it's S1. I restarted my computer. Once it restarted, I tried ejecting the disk and it ejected immediately. Plugged it back in, browsed around, ejected it, it ejected immediately. I did this at least 3 times. Then, opened a S1 project, browsed around it for a minute, saved the project, closed the project and quit S1. Tried to eject the disk, and "The disk wasn't ejected because one or more programs is using it.".

S1 was totally quit when I did this. What on earth would be causing this?? It's the same disk that my projects are on. I even used this disk for a mastering project in studio one doing some masters and revisions over the course of a couple of weeks with zero issues. I never used S1 for tracking until recently. I always use Pro Tools because I'm faster in it, but figured it's time to start using S1 because I want to learn it and use it more, and after my first tracking project, this starts happening. What on earth is going on and what could be causing this?

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter
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by PreAl on Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:30 am
No idea.
There are ways to discover what application is locking files on a Mac, maybe this will help...

https://apple.stackexchange.com/questio ... ing-a-file

Intel i9 9900K (Gigabyte Z390 DESIGNARE motherboard), 32GB RAM, EVGA Geforce 1070 (Nvidia drivers).
Dell Inspiron 7591 (2 in 1) 16Gb.
Studio One Pro 6.x, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental).
Presonus Quantum 2626, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom SQ, Atom Pad, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, a number of hardware synths.
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by mikesupina on Wed Dec 07, 2022 12:36 am
Ok, new information. I noticed that every song that had Waves VST 3 plugins in it do not allow me to eject the drive after I quit Studio One. I can open an S1 song, open a song that doesn't have Waves VST3 plugins in it, then close the song, quit S1, and eject the drive just fine. If I go into the same song again, and open a Waves AU version of one plugin and save the song, when I quit S1, I can eject the drive normally. When I open the same song again, delete the AU version of the Waves plugin, and open a VST 3 version of the plugin, when I save and quit S1 and try to eject the drive, it will NOT let me eject the drive.

Now, I would say the culprit is VST 3 Waves plugins, HOWEVER, I copied the song over to a secondary drive, and then tried the same experiments, but this time, it WILL allow me to eject that secondary drive. It doesn't matter what Waves plugins I use; AU, VST 3, etc; it will allow me to save and quit the song and eject the secondary drive perfectly. It's ONLY on the main SSD drive which is fairly new. And, it doesn't matter which song; as long as it has a Waves VST3 plugins in it (this is how I set up my plugins for Waves in the plugin manager so I don't see multiple copies), it will NOT allow me to eject the drive when I save and quit S1.
What in the world could be causing this, and why Waves VST3 ONLY on one specific drive which never had an issue before?

I know we could say "Just use AU waves", but Waves AU is not supported with S1 5, and furthermore, it only happens on one particular drive. Any ideas what to do, or why this would only happen on one particular drive across many songs that use Waves VST3, but NOT on other drives that use the same plugins?

EDIT: Just tried copying the Song to a new drive (same make and model, but different drive), and I can open Waves VST3 plugins in the Song, save and quit S1, and eject this new drive just fine (same make and model; Sandisk Extreme). It seems to have something to do with the original drive specifically, and it's only S1 that causes this. Any Ideas why it's this particular drive, and how to check into this?

Studio One Professional 6.5.2
Pro Tools Studio 2023.12.1

Mac Pro (Late 2013)
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
32 GB 1866 MHz DDR3
OWC Aura Pro X2 1 TB
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
Mac OS 12.7.3 Monterey

Audient EVO 16 w/ two Audient SP8's

LG 32' LCD connected via HDMI
Samsung 27" LCD connected via HDMI to Thunderbolt adapter

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