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pixel_ale wrote
2. I'd also love to be able to make the crossfade value be the length of the current selection. Would love to be able to select the end of one event into the beginning of the next and just hit a key command to make a cross fade of that length. Closest we have right now requires the "No overlap when editing events" option to be off, which is a pain most of the other time. Fast crossfades can be a dealbreaker when doing heavy edits and I think we're close, but it could be better!

yes this please!! I realize Studio One's way is just different, but I think Studio One needs to conform to the more typical universally accepted way of handling cross fades in the audio world. Even Marcus Huyskens in his very helpful YouTube videos mentions this being a bit odd.

Studio One v5.5
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by jazzundso on Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:43 pm
studioj wroteyes this please!! I realize Studio One's way is just different, but I think Studio One needs to conform to the more typical universally accepted way of handling cross fades in the audio world. Even Marcus Huyskens in his very helpful YouTube videos mentions this being a bit odd.

Maybe "Create Crossfades" command comes in handy here? It allows you to create your own crossfade presets for different crossfade lengths and curves.

phpBB [video]

Lukas Ruschitzka
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Core i7 3.24 GHz, Windows 10, 24 GB RAM, RME HDSP 9632, PreSonus FaderPort, PreSonus Monitorstation, PreSonus Eris 5

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by studioj on Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:58 pm
jazzundso wrote
studioj wroteyes this please!! I realize Studio One's way is just different, but I think Studio One needs to conform to the more typical universally accepted way of handling cross fades in the audio world. Even Marcus Huyskens in his very helpful YouTube videos mentions this being a bit odd.

Maybe "Create Crossfades" command comes in handy here? It allows you to create your own crossfade presets for different crossfade lengths and curves.

phpBB [video]

cool, thx for that. love the macro functionality so much! It really is S1's best feature.

I think when overlaps are allowed crossfading functionality is fine... just selecting the overlap and hitting X, but those coming from other DAW's who are not used to overlaps in audio and want to turn that behavior off should be able to select a range around where clips meet and create a crossfade length that matches the range selection with a single keystroke. IMO it is intuitive and sort of one of those things that will make the software easier to use.

Thanks for the video. I will be making some crossfade buttons now...

Studio One v5.5
Pro Tools Ultimate, HDX1
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Mac OS 10.15.7
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by aaron79 on Thu Feb 03, 2022 3:50 pm
What I want in 5.5 or 6 is score view quantize which can be separate to midi quantize. So important for not having notation be a mess. Cubase has it, Studio One should also.
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by robgerman on Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:08 pm
Being a previous Sibelius and (still current) Dorico User, I'm hoping to completely move to S1. 5.X had fabulous improvements. Being largely a VSL User, the Synchron Player interface really impressed me. I would like to see the following new features regarding NOTATION:

- Macro bar used in MIDI editor active in Notation view
- Macro bar able to be left justified ( I stretch score over two monitors)
- New Macros (Lukas?). Similar to Transpose by intervals, the same in Doubling. There are some now, including popular chords, but many composers work by intervals mainly. Multiple interval selection at a time would be great. i.e. -3,-5,-13
- CC Lanes (MIDI Editor)..ablity to add a new CC# as a default to multiple tracks. VSL instruments use CC11 on just about every instrument, among others
- A notation note font with the note letter in the note itself (Dorico has this). GREAT for improving knowledge and teaching.
- in MIDI or NOTATION, ability to copy a chord and "explode" (paste) into multiple instruments, such as a chord into the string section, Sibelius does a great job of this.

Thanks for the ability to share! Cheers all!, then apply.
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by jazzundso on Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:20 pm
robgerman wrote- New Macros (Lukas?). Similar to Transpose by intervals, the same in Doubling. There are some now, including popular chords, but many composers work by intervals mainly. Multiple interval selection at a time would be great. i.e. -3,-5,-13
Definitely new stuff to come.

robgerman wrote- Macro bar able to be left justified ( I stretch score over two monitors)
If I understand you right, then this is already possible. Right-click at some free space on the toolbar and choose between left, center, right...

Lukas Ruschitzka
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Core i7 3.24 GHz, Windows 10, 24 GB RAM, RME HDSP 9632, PreSonus FaderPort, PreSonus Monitorstation, PreSonus Eris 5

Clavia Nord Stage 3 - Moog Sub 37 - YAMAHA MoXF6 - M-Audio Axiom Pro 61 - Kawai ES-920 - Studio One 5 - Notion 6 - Orchestral Tools Junkie XL Horns, ProjectSAM Symphobia, Cinematic Studio Series, Strezov Sampling Afflatus, VSL Synchron Special Edition, KOMPLETE 9 Ultimate
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by IanM5 on Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:25 am
jazzundso wrote
studioj wroteyes this please!! I realize Studio One's way is just different, but I think Studio One needs to conform to the more typical universally accepted way of handling cross fades in the audio world. Even Marcus Huyskens in his very helpful YouTube videos mentions this being a bit odd.

Maybe "Create Crossfades" command comes in handy here? It allows you to create your own crossfade presets for different crossfade lengths and curves.

phpBB [video]

Definitely don't look at the new Advanced Crossfade editor in Cubase 12 - it will make you green with envy!

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by craigallen2 on Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:37 pm
Lokeyfly wrote
Show Page as stated by FocalPoint and I highly agree, the Show Page, serves little to no use, and quite frankly IMO convolutes the DAW on a whole. If you're a preforming artist and you can't make Studio One (or any other DAW except perhaps Ableton Live) perform in a live scenario, then you're likely in the wrong business.
Hint: Presonus, you're not Ableton and you don't need to be! Please dont pour bread crumb features into Studio One. Its dissapointing to the real users actually doing something and "performing" large scale work. Yes, show Page is accessible on another Page which is really out of the way. Guess what? Its also out of the way! Since some use it, I'll throw my hands up and say "Happy for you, but don't bloat our DAW.
Emphasis could have been better served elsewhere.

Huge disagreement from me. I'm new to Studio One and a big aspect of jumping on the v.5 train was the introduction of the SHOW Page. I'd much rather compose, edit, mix, AND PERFORM LIVE in S1, than have to learn Live and work back and forth with 2 completely different UIs and visions.
Now, at the current permutation, the SHOW Page is 3/4 there. It still needs some love and attention. But if they provide it, it will be killer!

Sure, any DAW can be used live, but there are a multitude of reasons why most DAWs are not laid out optimally for live play. S1 can make it happen. They need to spend more time with live musicians, church worship leaders who use other options, and confirm the feature set. Well worth Presonus' time!
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by Lokeyfly on Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:09 pm
Hey craigallen2,
That's awesome. Glad you're making use of the show Page. There are many song writers, performers and a mix of the two. Glad you're getting a lot out it. That's how I feel about the Project page. ;) Studio One strikes a good balance for a lot of things. I probably got caught up in the area of looking for subtle fixes instead of features, but hearing your praise for the show Page is refreshing.
Cheers and enjoy!

P.s. I noted a lot of "Pros", so take it all in stride. Thx.

S1-6.6, HP Omen 17" i7 10th Gen, 32 GB,512 GB TLC M.2 (SSD),1 TB SSD. Win10 Pro, Audient iD14 MkII, Roland JV90, NI S49 MkII, Atom SQ, FP 8, Roland GR-50 & Octapad. MOTU MIDI Express XT. HR824, Yamaha HS-7, NS-1000M, Yamaha Promix 01, Rane HC-6, etc.

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by jonhamilton2 on Thu Mar 24, 2022 12:43 pm
Better searching in our Browser ? Tagging our own Vst presets / audio files ? Does anyone even use the loop tab? Feels super generic, year after year, no improvements made to it. Pretty disturbing.

Cpu:Win11/Intel Core i9-12900K/32GB/AMD Radeon 580
Interface:Antelope Audio Orion Studio Synergy Core/Studiolive Series 3 32s/RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE
Hardware: BAE 1073MPF/Heritage Audio Successor+Symph EQ
Synths: Minimoog/Sequential Trigon 6/Take 5/Pro-800/Korg Prologue 16/Minilogue XD/Deepmind 12/ASM Hydrasynth/Akai Mpc
Pedals: UAFX/Meris LVX + MercuryX
DAW: S1 v6 Latest version
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by Lokeyfly on Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:55 am
jonhamilton2 wroteBetter searching in our Browser ? Tagging our own Vst presets / audio files ? Does anyone even use the loop tab? Feels super generic, year after year, no improvements made to it. Pretty disturbing.

Yes, tagging our own VST presets has been talked about and would be useful. I usually fall back on how many VST presets does one actually use. Please, no angry "I have 400 and need to tag the important ones". The point is there will likely be twenty, thirty, or lets ramp that to fifty. So given 50 VST''s, all within likely seven categories (for arguments sake). The ability to subtly rename them with a suffix as to being a Comoressor and perhaps even a favorite compressor "Waves SSL St Comp Comp_C1", API 2500 Comp_C2", etc. You could easily even search them.

Mmv ofcourse but even locating VSTs in the favorites location, or searching by manufacturers name, or as suggested a added suffix should bring up what one needs. I don't even bother with the custom tab. If I wanted for example the Waves Schepps Omni channel stereo, I'd search "sch" or "omni", or if I wanted a collection of compressors, type "comp". I think too many people want tags feeling a DAW is some huge sound data base. It's really not. Want brushes for a snare, search "brushes". Of course your needs may vary.

Yes, I use the loop tab at times. Granted, Studio One's loops are hardly a go to for me or are for a lot of folks. What the bundled loops or sample sounds do, are provide some useful alternatives. There isn't a DAW east of Valhala that has enough bundled sounds for users. mmv.

The answers usually rest on tailoring your VST's, and sounds to your own needs. Pretty easy, even without templates but do stress where and what you need by some specifics. That way someone can possibly assist with recommending something close or outright simplify.

S1-6.6, HP Omen 17" i7 10th Gen, 32 GB,512 GB TLC M.2 (SSD),1 TB SSD. Win10 Pro, Audient iD14 MkII, Roland JV90, NI S49 MkII, Atom SQ, FP 8, Roland GR-50 & Octapad. MOTU MIDI Express XT. HR824, Yamaha HS-7, NS-1000M, Yamaha Promix 01, Rane HC-6, etc.

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by cyrilgirard on Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:10 am
More Note FX plugins... coming from Cubase, I find that not having any way to a manipulate midi inputs is a huge limitation (for instance to convert CC1 to CC11, delete/insert/transform...). Basically an equivalent way to do what MIDI Transformer does in Cubase

And proper Track Presets saving everything from the track (instrument, FX, track info like Tranpose, Notes...)

Worked on Cubase for many years, loving Studio One Pro 5 so far. Config : Windows 10, i9-10900k, 128Go RAM, RME HDSPe AIO. Mostly VSLs stuff. Compose orchestral music.
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by Lokeyfly on Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:04 am
Indeed. When it comes to customization, modifying drum/instrument maps, storing arrangements and parts (over and above songs) and sys ex control, Cubase is a tough act for most any DAW to follow. Its been that even when Cubase was only a MIDI sequencer. Logic being a very close 2nd. I suspect some of that control may happen and to a large part users preferring instead, a lean a UI in a DAW as possible. So somewhere lies the answer. :+1

Lean is mean!

S1-6.6, HP Omen 17" i7 10th Gen, 32 GB,512 GB TLC M.2 (SSD),1 TB SSD. Win10 Pro, Audient iD14 MkII, Roland JV90, NI S49 MkII, Atom SQ, FP 8, Roland GR-50 & Octapad. MOTU MIDI Express XT. HR824, Yamaha HS-7, NS-1000M, Yamaha Promix 01, Rane HC-6, etc.

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by jonhamilton2 on Thu May 12, 2022 9:44 pm
Lokeyfly wrote
The answers usually rest on tailoring your VST's, and sounds to your own needs. Pretty easy, even without templates but do stress where and what you need by some specifics. That way someone can possibly assist with recommending something close or outright simplify.

browser bs.png
Right, I get how to do it, I've been doing this for years with S1 since 2012. My point is, Presonus dev's ( same ones who worked on Cubase,Nuendo's mediabay ) know that a proper browser with a better tagging, filtering system is far more powerful, then this basic S1 browser with a simple search function.
As you can see I do have my sounds in different folders to help navigate them, but I don't and won't re-save each bass,poly synth, kick,snare,hi hat with a basic browser.This isn't practical, yet I have done that for years, so Point taken.

It's time Presonus implements a better system, especially for those of us that do content creation. Right now Cubase is still my Main DAW for sorting with post productions, because many of us do use so many samples, and really need a proper filtering system that allows us to tag in a more streamlined professional way.
Many of us have also have spent far too much money on 3rd party browsers/tagging software when the whole idea of S1's original concept was workflow.

Cpu:Win11/Intel Core i9-12900K/32GB/AMD Radeon 580
Interface:Antelope Audio Orion Studio Synergy Core/Studiolive Series 3 32s/RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE
Hardware: BAE 1073MPF/Heritage Audio Successor+Symph EQ
Synths: Minimoog/Sequential Trigon 6/Take 5/Pro-800/Korg Prologue 16/Minilogue XD/Deepmind 12/ASM Hydrasynth/Akai Mpc
Pedals: UAFX/Meris LVX + MercuryX
DAW: S1 v6 Latest version
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by gregghart on Fri May 13, 2022 7:02 am
I've finally figured out the Show Page. I now know how to do tempo changes as well. (I don't use too many tracks, I use the show page just to change sounds "on the fly". I just have to push the transport button on my NI Keyboard and it moves to the next preset patch with effects. I use the tempo changes for effects timing. Also, if I come to something that I want to have tracked, no problem. That song can have my WAV files in it.

It's not QUITE as powerful as Ableton, nor is it as easy to manipulate. So that's what I'd like to see in a version 6. A much easier to use Show Page that allows you to transpose all tracks instantly (like Ableton). Also one that allows you to more easily setup multiple loop points (like Ableton). I'd also like it if it could make better use of additional transport controls. For example, if I hit FF or RW on my keyboard, it should advance or rewind to the next / previous song rather than moving the cursor too fast to actually control acurately.

Win11, 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700K (3.60 GHz), 32GB Ram. Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen. Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88 Mark 2, Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 Mark 1, Presonus FaderPort 8.


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by Lokeyfly on Fri May 13, 2022 12:33 pm
Jonhamilton2 wrote: "As you can see I do have my sounds in different folders to help navigate them, but I don't and won't re-save each bass,poly synth, kick,snare,hi hat with a basic browser.This isn't practical, yet I have done that for years, so Point taken."

Understood. What could be of use, and really available now just in passing is Native Instruments' Kontrol. I think you can download for free. That search protocol is utilized by some 750 companies and is growing it works in Studio One now. I got mine with NI Komplete 13 Ultimate. I see you have Arturia V collection. That's one of the many packages you can search all of their instruments/presets without saving a preset first. I forget if any of the Studio One instruments (on their own) adopt to Kontrol, but that would be nice in and of itself. Its really very useful, and you might already be using it. Dunno.


You don't need a Komplete Kontrol instrument, either. Your search and instrument will come up right in Kontakt. Right in Studio One. Downloads and ready to play!

Point is, if Studio One doesn't tag on its own for whatever reason, it should certainly be adopting this very intense protocol.

Very cool! It's almost eery to be searching in Kontrol and come up with literally thousands of Arturia's V Collection or Anolog Lab stuff right in Kontakt! What I do is since I don't want EVERYTHING going through Kontakt that isn't of NI origin, I search through Kontrol, and when the instrument or criteria is found, I then go to that VSTi once I know it's available.


S1-6.6, HP Omen 17" i7 10th Gen, 32 GB,512 GB TLC M.2 (SSD),1 TB SSD. Win10 Pro, Audient iD14 MkII, Roland JV90, NI S49 MkII, Atom SQ, FP 8, Roland GR-50 & Octapad. MOTU MIDI Express XT. HR824, Yamaha HS-7, NS-1000M, Yamaha Promix 01, Rane HC-6, etc.

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by jonhamilton2 on Sat May 14, 2022 6:20 am
Thanks for the suggestion.I own Komplete Kontrol, and use it for some stuff, but it's kind of wonky, the screen settings are odd and there's alot of things that bother me about it, like for example, you still can't save Effects chains and recall them properly, nor can you layer instruments. S1 is even better in that regard.

I really hope Presonus wraps their head around the fact, that after 5 full versions, they still don't have a functioning tagging browser for users's content. I really hope they put together a tagged based browser in V6.

Cpu:Win11/Intel Core i9-12900K/32GB/AMD Radeon 580
Interface:Antelope Audio Orion Studio Synergy Core/Studiolive Series 3 32s/RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE
Hardware: BAE 1073MPF/Heritage Audio Successor+Symph EQ
Synths: Minimoog/Sequential Trigon 6/Take 5/Pro-800/Korg Prologue 16/Minilogue XD/Deepmind 12/ASM Hydrasynth/Akai Mpc
Pedals: UAFX/Meris LVX + MercuryX
DAW: S1 v6 Latest version
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by Lokeyfly on Sun May 15, 2022 6:30 pm
jonhamilton2 wroteHi,
Thanks for the suggestion.I own Komplete Kontrol, and use it for some stuff, but it's kind of wonky, the screen settings are odd and there's alot of things that bother me about it, like for example, you still can't save Effects chains and recall them properly, nor can you layer instruments. S1 is even better in that regard.

I really hope Presonus wraps their head around the fact, that after 5 full versions, they still don't have a functioning tagging browser for users's content. I really hope they put together a tagged based browser in V6.

Makes.sense. Seems it should be available in 6.

S1-6.6, HP Omen 17" i7 10th Gen, 32 GB,512 GB TLC M.2 (SSD),1 TB SSD. Win10 Pro, Audient iD14 MkII, Roland JV90, NI S49 MkII, Atom SQ, FP 8, Roland GR-50 & Octapad. MOTU MIDI Express XT. HR824, Yamaha HS-7, NS-1000M, Yamaha Promix 01, Rane HC-6, etc.

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by GMHague on Mon May 16, 2022 8:48 am
Like every DAW, with every release S1 has long since just pretended on a macro scale to do something "new" but pretty much tries to reinvent the DAW wheel, while the micro changes are about catering to the endless, individual needs of users' specific workflow.
I'd like to see a massive game-changing feature, like being able to toggle to a Harrison Mixbus, real analogue emulation mixer mode, or a window that allows Sound Forge-like editing ... something that isn't another update of nitty-gritty workflow options and makes everyone excited about an innovative change.

Windows 11 64 bit, 12th gen i5 eight core CPU, 32GB RAM, 1810C interface, SSD drive (system) and USB SSD for audio and samples.
Studio One 6.5, Latest UC driver
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by roland1 on Mon May 16, 2022 9:39 am
Over the years I've noticed that there just seems to be a general tendency to borrow from what others are already doing well. Subsequently, I don't know how many more truly spectacular DAW innovations we can expect from any one company.

In the end, it all comes down to the music or content you create, and people have been able to do a good job of that since the first days of digital audio. Now, it is just more accessible to the general public, but the rules remain the same: you still have to produce something worth listening to and nothing that a DAW can add, especially in 2022, is going to save bad content from being ignored by the masses.

That said, and going back to my original point, Digital Performer just got articulation mapping in the last version, which is extraordinary for a DAW that I was already using back in 1993 — as Performer. On the other hand, it has had program switching, pitch editing, "extreme" MIDI editing and video syncing capability for decades, unlike most other DAWs that are just catching up, or as in the case of Studio One, farming those capabilities out to third parties — ie Melodyne, etc.

Is Digital Performer better than all the others for having some unique features? No. But what stands out are how various performers use it. Lord of the Rings, for instance, was scored by Howard Shore in Digital Performer. But so were a lot of other soundtracks that no one ever heard in the public domain. When it comes right down to it, it's all about us as creators. The DAW or its features play no significant role in our ability as innovative creators.

Now get back to work and stop slacking!!! :)

Studio One Pro (v5) on i7 7700 win10 PC w16GB RAM and a Mac Pro Tower (w/RME & Focusrite interfaces.)

I use S1 as an author/musician/multi-media artist.
My work includes the newly released: Clearing a Path to Joy (And finding contentment along the way) [AuroraSkyPublishing.com]
and my upcoming music video, Too Big To Fail, which introduces Citizen Based Social Planning — "the next step in the evolution of democracy." You know...typical everyday stuff. :)

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