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Studio One v2 - Track List Presentation

You can easily re - arrange the vertical presentation of data within the Track List. Just drag the top header area of the Track List that corresponds to the vertical column of data you want to move....

TrackList.gif (104.57 KiB) Viewed 636872 times

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:23 pm

Studio One v2 Mini Series - Unassigned Keyboard Shortcuts Part 9

These two are really essential (imo). What they allow is selecting multiple clips on the timeline and rendering or restoring their Event FX all at once, as opposed to doing them one by one in the Inspector, like if you had split a clip that had Event FX on it.

They're under the Audio category in key commands.


House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:22 pm

Studio One v2 - Quick positioning of the Start and End markers

Cmd-Click anywhere in the marker track to set the Start marker (on Windows you probably have to Ctrl-Click).
Alt-Click to set the End marker.
(Same way as it works for the loop region.)

Edit: In addition to this you can also select one or several events and hit Alt+Y to set the two markers by the selection.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:24 pm

Rename your Plug-in Instances for Clarity

You can rename both individual instrument and FX plugin instances from the top left menu arrow on the opened insert or instrument GUI shell.

For instance if you're using Slate Digital's VCC, a console emulator, you would have an instance on every channel... you can change every one to say something more useful than 'Virtual Channel', like... 'Main Vox VCC', 'Guitar VCC' etc.

Very handy.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:27 pm

Scroll & Zoom in Music Editor

Not sure if this has been previously posted but you can SHIFT + Mouse Down in the piano roll to zoom vertically and scroll vertically in the Music Editor at the same time.


House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:29 pm

Selecting Pitch CTL + Drag

CTL + Click to select a pitch to edit also works with CTL+Drag across the piano roll. This alleviates the need to try to align the pitch you see across the screen with a piano note on the left. CTL+Drag across the piano roll until your pitch "lights up".


House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:36 pm
Studio One v2 - Tab To Transients

Quick Transient Tabbing...

This has been one of the most widely requested features for Studio One. It is now possible in v2 but how does it work in S1v2?

If you want to tab through Audio events on a track just...

a. Select the track with the Audio Events you want to tab through

b. Place the cursor where you want to start and then hit your tab key.

More accurate Transient Tabbing...

1. Select the clip you want to use.

2. Then click on the "Audio Bend" button.

AudioBend.jpg (6.88 KiB) Viewed 636862 times

3. Inside the "Detection" area click on the "Analyze" button.

4. Hit your Tab key to tab through the transients in your selected clip.

Tab.gif (28.16 KiB) Viewed 636862 times

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:43 pm
Studio One v2 - Editor Detach

One of the new features in Studio One that may have been overlooked is the ability to detach the Editor. You could detach the Console in v.1 but not the Editor. This is now possible in v2. Just hit the Detach button...

Editor detach.jpg
Editor detach.jpg (6.01 KiB) Viewed 636862 times float the Editor window. The button switches to an Attach button once floated to return the view back to it's docked state...

EditorAttach.gif (142.81 KiB) Viewed 636862 times

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:45 pm
Studio One (v2 + v1) Drag FX to create FX Channel track.

This tip will work with Studio One v2 and Studio One v.1. Drag an insert into any blank space in the Console Mixer to auto create an FX Channel...

DragFXChannel.gif (86.59 KiB) Viewed 636862 times

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:46 pm
eike (PreSonus)

.. or drag onto the sends container of a channel to additionally use it as a send for that channel.
Last edited by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:56 pm
With existing tracks yes that also works thanks 8-) That alternative tip of yours will also automatically add the name of the Insert into the name field of the new FX channel. Slick :mrgreen:

DragtoSend.gif (89.7 KiB) Viewed 636858 times

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:57 pm

Not really a tip but I just noticed that when you make a custom "key command" (for example I use alt/shift/d for duplicating a layer) it will appear in the corresponding drop down menu item. I don't remember other DAWs doing this but I could be wrong. Very nice.


House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:03 pm
Studio One v.2 Edit View - (Track drop - down selector colour strip)

You can easily change a tracks colour (and the colours of Audio Events or Instrument parts on it at the same time) from within the Edit View using the colour strip within the Track drop-down selector....

EditViewTrackColours.gif (55.53 KiB) Viewed 636857 times

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:07 pm

Dont know if this has been mentioned or not (I havent seen it here), but I just noticed that on the main start page with your list of songs, if you right click on a song, it gives you a list of saved versions of the song - quite handy.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:10 pm

Locate File

This one may have slipped under the radar of some. It's handy for locating a missing file or sample and bringing it into the project but you can also use this function to directly replace files in your projects. It works for audio files, loops or files you recorded.

Right click a file in the pool and "Locate File". If you're dealing with a loop from the library you'll get a sound browser. Select a new loop and it replaces all of the instances in the song...

So below, if you have a loop that's being used 8 times in your song and you want to replace it all through the song, do it there. Right click one of them and "Select in Pool" and then "Locate File" to replace all instances of it in the song directly with a new loop...


If you're dealing with an audio file on the system you get a browser like below that does the same, replaces and instances of the current audio file with the new audio file...


It also works for replacing samples in a Sample One preset without having to redo the internal pitch settings and all that

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:15 pm

Select Same Events

For people who use loops in their productions. A common issue is trying to edit them all at once and/or selecting them all if they're kinda scattered all over the place. A common example below with a drum track. The green parts are the same and every fourth loop is different loop.

To select only all of the green parts below for example would require shift + 4 marquee drags, more if the track is longer...


There's an easier way to make that selection if you go through the pool...

1. Select in Pool.
2. Right click the source in pool and "Select on Tracks"

That will select all instances of that source file on the timeline. I've arranged some dupes across multiple tracks below to demonstrate below but you can see how easy it is to quickly select everything sourced from the same media, no matter where it is on the timeline.


House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:17 pm

Change Velocity of notes with mouse

In the MIDI editor, select a midi note or multiple midi notes, Press Ctrl+Alt+Mouse up/down - this will increase/decrease the velocity of the selected notes.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:18 pm

An additional Fader

You can use the FaderPort skin to control the selected channel (Follow) or the master channel (Output) even if you don't have the physical device.
Create a new FaderPort device and open its window. You might use it on a secondary monitor for instance.


Breakdown of steps

- Create New External device
- Select Control Surface
- Select the Faderport from the PreSonus folder in the template list
- Ok.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:24 pm

Ok, and on-topic about a very cool trick i found out. When you're recording a single track i often find out after recording that another track is also record-enabled. So sometimes i overdub record something exadenatly. I saw in the manual that you can hold ALT (pc) en click the recordenable button to only enable the selected track. I tried it using the faderports rec button. And guess what? It also works! The same goes for the rec buttons on the bcf2000 in mackie mode. No more recording mistakes. Cheers S1!

Ooh, and the same goes for mute and solo holding down CTRL This way you can have a couple of track muted or soloed and mute or solo all those as a group.

Using shift and solo put the track in Save Solo mode. When soloing other tracks it won't affect the track being muted.

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480
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by db on Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:26 pm
PreSonus Exchange

Introducing PreSonus Exchange - Part 1

phpBB [video]

House | Dubstep by Thedmncproject

i7 920 | W8.1 x64 | 12GB RAM | Samson | Studio One Pro v2 | Echo Audio Fire 4 | Nvidia GTX 480

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