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I'm using the most recent version of Studio One, just updated.

A week ago an artist sent me a midi rendering of an original song she did along with her tracked vocals. I created a new song, imported the midi and her audio tracks, and saved it.

Yesterday she came over because she wanted to replace all her midi tracks with real musicians. So I opened the song, and we spent the day tracking with musicians for a few hours. I save regularly as a habit.

Today she came back to finish working on the song and I opened yesterday's song, and it has none of the work we did! NOTHING. It reverted back to the original file, with the midi and the audio tracks of her vocals and that's it. Dead serious.

I thought I was crazy, like maybe I didn't save anything, but no, when I checked the song folder, the time and date modified for the song was time marked for the end of the session so I know I saved it. I checked the media folder and everything is there - all the guitar, drums, etc. Tons of files, all time stamped as the day progressed and we did multiple takes, etc.

Has anyone seen anything like this at all?! I'm really in a bad place at the moment - she's sitting next to me, as I'm stuttering trying to explain where all the work we did yesterday was, not to mention the expense of musicians, etc.

Has this happened to anyone before? Is this a bug? Aside from making me look like an idiot at today's session, my confidence is really shaken if I should do any other work today in Studio One because I have no idea what this is about. I can't afford to track people if somehow Studio One is going to revert back to an earlier version at random and completely undo all the work I do.

HELP! We're in the session at the moment, and I'm trying to figure out how to fix this. Worst case scenario is I can load the bits from the media folder one at a time and try to put them back to where they all go but this is no solution as it's gonna take a while to get it all correct.

Wow, I've seen bugs before in programs but a DAW that undoes your work? That's kind of a showstopper.

"For every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star."
- Arthur C. Clarke
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by ionian on Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:40 pm
Ok, I used restore version to restore to the last autosaved one from last night which was 10 minutes from the end of the session. It brought back the entire song more or less as we finished it last night so I'm calming down but seriously, what caused it to completely revert back to the very first version of itself when I just had midi tracks and an audio track of vocals?!!

This is a serious bug - I never experienced anything like this in Studio one before. Where do I file a bug report?!

"For every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star."
- Arthur C. Clarke
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by ionian on Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:31 pm
Ok, there's definitely something up. It happened on another session after the earlier one.

It asked me if I wanted to save changes, when I clicked "yes" it completely deleted all my work and reverted back to its original state. (This girl had sent me multiple midi files and vocal tracks so I have more than one). I also reverted back to an earlier revision and re-saved it and backed it up. Ugh

It must be the new update...I haven't had any problem like this and this is the first session I did since the update. I'm going to see if I can roll back but for now, everyone be careful, the update most likely has a crazy bug that deletes all your work.

"For every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star."
- Arthur C. Clarke
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by jpettit on Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:51 pm
Can you recreate it with a simple instrument track?

Can you zip up one of the simpler examples e and PM it to me?

Have you created a support ticket?

Can you give us the basic steps you are doing to create and save the song?

My Website, Free Studio One Advance Training
SPECS: Win 11 23H2, 18 Core i9: 32Gb DDR4 ram, 42" 4K monitor, StudioLive 24/16, Faderport16, Central Station Plus, Sceptre 6, Sceptre 8, Temblor T10, Eris 4.5, HP60, Studio One Pro latest, Test Platforms Reaper latest, Cakewalk latest
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by ionian on Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:23 pm
This bug is super random but I think I figured out what's happening and my workaround for this crazy, showstopping bug.

Apparently, but completely randomly, when I open a song, Studio One decides to open two copies of it! One copy opens up normally, and the other copy of the exact same song opens up underneath it so it's hidden.

So I would do a ton of editing and save the song and then close Studio One, and what was happening is that the song I just edited gets closed, but the exact same duplicate that has been hidden pops up with a dialog saying, "Save changes?" So what happened is that if I click, "Yes" what I am actually saving is the version of the song that was opened, hidden, and never touched so I'm actually undoing all the tracking and editing I just did. And that would be the last version of the song being saved which is why I'd reopen it and all my work is gone. Thank God I could restore it by going back to an earlier version but this bug has been driving me nuts.

I realized if I stared at the track when it opened, I could sometimes quickly catch that Studio One is opening the song twice and hiding one of the copies under the other but depending on how fast the song opens, it's not always perceptible.

The workaround I've been using is that I just make sure I manually save (CTRL-S) the song I'm working on right before I close Studio One and when it prompts me to "Save Changes?" I always click NO because I know I just saved it. It wasn't until I started doing this that I realized what the bug was - that the prompt to save changes wasn't for the version I just worked on, but for the hidden one that never got touched.

It's completely random - it doesn't happen all the time on the same song - it really just picks and chooses what song it wants to open twice randomly. And I haven't been able to find out what triggers this kind of behavior.

I just updated to Studio One 4 so I'm not sure if this bug is in SO4 or not or if it's just confined to SO3.5.

I'm on Windows 7 64 bit.

"For every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star."
- Arthur C. Clarke
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by timmorris on Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:06 pm
Thats weird...I have never had that happen at all... :roll:

Presonus 16.4.2 - Mac mini 2.3G i7, 16G Ram, Faderport - S1 -3 Pro
Novation Impulse 49 - Yamaha HS7 - Kemper Profiler -
SE 3300 - SE2200 - SE Reflexion - EBMM AAxis super sport - Taylor 414CE - PRS 513.
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by Jemusic on Thu Jul 26, 2018 2:52 pm
This has never happened to me either. It sounds like a form of user error. Check where all your Studio One songs are. Did you change the title or what was the last known name of the song at the time you were tracking and saved. Did you save the session somewhere else temporarily etc..

The audio will be there though no worries. Look at the track titles carefully and you will see where they all go. Just pull them back in and line them up. It is easier and faster than you think. Once everything is back in save carefully in a known location with a fresh title etc..

Check that no other songs are running in the background.

Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz-8 Gb RAM-Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME HDSP9632 - Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 2/8 - Atom Pad/Atom SQ - HP Laptop Win 10 - Studio 24c interface -iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - High Sierra 10.13.6 - Focusrite Clarett 2 Pre & Scarlett 18i20. Studio One V5.5 (Mac and V6.5 Win 10 laptop), Notion 6.8, Ableton Live 11 Suite, LaunchPad Pro
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by PreAl on Thu Jul 26, 2018 4:13 pm

Intel i9 9900K (Gigabyte Z390 DESIGNARE motherboard), 32GB RAM, EVGA Geforce 1070 (Nvidia drivers).
Dell Inspiron 7591 (2 in 1) 16Gb.
Studio One Pro 6.x, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental).
Presonus Quantum 2626, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom SQ, Atom Pad, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, a number of hardware synths.
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by Mirek Mach on Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:02 pm
Does your left mouse button doubleclick instead of single one?

I tried to open song by doubleclick, but everytime only one "instance" of a song was opened. Maybe my doubleclick isn't fast enough?

[HP G4 Z2 workstation] - Win 10 Pro, i7-8700K, 32GB RAM, 2x 500GB SSD + 2TB "classic", NVIDIA Quadro P2000 5GB, 2x 1920*1200px Eizo monitors;
Studio One Pro from v.1.6 (now 4.6.2), Melodyne Editor 4.2.4;
Focusrite Clarett 4Pre USB, FaderPort 2018.
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by paulsoffe on Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:49 am
had the same problem myself about 6 months ago. Midi tracks just recorded just disappeared ! My client couldnt believe it that before our eyes recorded midi parts were no longer ther. JUst couldnt find them . We had to re record loads. Disgusting tbh. I vowed i would never use S1 again but with the Sphear offere i decided just now to give it another go. If there is too much going on under the hood probs can occur. Hopefully their heads have been under the bonnet and this terrible glitch has been sorted.
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by stephanwarmenhoven on Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:24 am
I'm having the same problems since updating to version 5.01... Quite disturbing, losing your work this way. Is there any action from PreSonus on this?
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by Bbd on Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:27 am
If you are having problems, please open a Support ticket so that they can try to help you. This forum is not a gateway to Support.


OS: Win 10 x64 Home, Studio One Pro 6.x, Notion 6, Series III 24, Studio 192, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz, RAM: 32GB, Faderport 8/16, Central Station +, PreSonus Sceptre S6, Eris 3.5, Temblor 10, ATOM, ATOM SQ
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by PreAl on Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:50 pm
I would hope everybody backed up their songs and projects, and cloned everything to an external hard drive before upgrading, and that they take periodic backups of their data. If not, that's probably the first thing they need to do.

The only reason for this that I can think of is..
a) Copying or moving folders across and missing some of the files.
b) Antivirus locking files, antivirus should be configured to exclude certain folders. This rarely if ever happens nowadays.

Intel i9 9900K (Gigabyte Z390 DESIGNARE motherboard), 32GB RAM, EVGA Geforce 1070 (Nvidia drivers).
Dell Inspiron 7591 (2 in 1) 16Gb.
Studio One Pro 6.x, Windows 11 Pro 64 bit, also running it on Mac OS Catalina via dual boot (experimental).
Presonus Quantum 2626, Presonus Studio 26c, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Faderport Classic (1.45), Atom SQ, Atom Pad, Maschine Studio, Octapad SPD-30, Roland A300, a number of hardware synths.
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by garytaylor4 on Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:52 am
I have the same problem. Started in 4.5 and still going in 4.6 update.
Just happened again today.
I did raise a ticket with Presonus a long time back (couple of years ago) and they outwardly bent over backwards to help but it was always "user error" according to them. They sent me in pursuit of proper "save" protocol but I was saving just fine. They really confused me for a long time.
I was not happy with the response. The fact it still keeps happening.

I think I've narrowed down the duplicate song occurence to me switching audio device. Wonder if that's user error too?

I like your fix of just ignoring the request to save before closing as I would have just saved all my good stuff, the last request is bogus.
Also, pleased to learn today that my files should still be there in the media folder. Indeed they are.
Can't do anything about the timing fixes/ audio bends I made to my tracks though. They seem to be lost.
Edit: All that fancy file moving stuff everyone's talking about. I'm not doing anything like that. Simple recordings and simple midi instrument tracks. No swapping folders, locations, no saving versions, save as or anything. Simple save and go, that's all I want.
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by Demious on Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:43 am
Just wanted to mention, I had the exact same thing, this week. Had a complete song set up in midi parts. I save (Command-S) manually after every task I complete, say every few minutes, auto-save is set to save every 5 minutes and when I close the song, SO asks to save, which I always do and did that day at around 22:30h.
The day after I opened my song and I was looking at an empty worksheet, the only thing left was the tempo map, but all files on the tracks where gone.
I started the song at around 14:30h and when I checked the saved songs, the next day, the main file was last saved at 14:38h and the last auto-save was made at 14:40h and these where the only two files in the folders. SO just didnt respond to any save-commands for the whole afternoon and evening.

PC: Mac Pro 2019, 12-core, 48GB RAM
Software: OS Monterey, Studio One 6 Pro
I/O: Quantum 2626
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by SwitchBack on Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:49 am
Maybe an idea to do a systemwide search for .song files sorted newest first. Just to make sure that S1 and yourself are not searching in the wrong place :|
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by jeremykruger on Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:52 pm
This just started happening to me. Not sure I'd call it user error exactly. I open one song from the recent files list and two copies open up and you can lose work for sure. My workaround is to just close one copy, now that I know 2 are open. This has to be a bug. This thread is several years old now with the same weird problem (across several updates).

I did move all the files from one drive to another and need to reconnect a bunch of links to .wavs. I am in the process of trying to fix all that and I wonder if that is what brought this on? Maybe changing files names or something....I dunno.
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by roland1 on Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:16 pm
There are times when I've just saved a file and then am asked to save it again when I close. I've never lost work from doing this, but I always thought something was weird about that; it's as if it didn't believe me the first time I saved.

Studio One Pro (v5) on i7 7700 win10 PC w16GB RAM and a Mac Pro Tower (w/RME & Focusrite interfaces.)

I use S1 as an author/musician/multi-media artist.
My work includes the newly released: Clearing a Path to Joy (And finding contentment along the way) [AuroraSkyPublishing.com]
and my upcoming music video, Too Big To Fail, which introduces Citizen Based Social Planning — "the next step in the evolution of democracy." You know...typical everyday stuff. :)
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by shanabit on Thu Aug 11, 2022 3:09 pm
jeremykruger wroteI did move all the files from one drive to another and need to reconnect a bunch of links to .wavs. I am in the process of trying to fix all that and I wonder if that is what brought this on? Maybe changing files names or something....I dunno.

1. Make sure you create a NEW FOLDER and NAME it the SONG name for EVERY SONG so that all the media gets put into that folders media subfolder. Otherwise your Songs get saved to the default Documents folder . That way you can just drag and drop the whole folder onto any drive and get an exact copy of the folder

2. Also, in Prefs/Locations , make sure you have the box checked to ASK to copy external files when saving documents. This way if you are using loops from Presonus in the Song they will get SAVED to that Songs MEDIA folder

StudioOnePro 6.6.1
UA Apollo Twin
OSX Sonoma 14.4.1

iMac 2013
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by Lokeyfly on Thu Aug 11, 2022 5:05 pm
jeremykruger wrote........I did move all the files from one drive to another and need to reconnect a bunch of links to .wavs. I am in the process of trying to fix all that and I wonder if that is what brought this on? Maybe changing files names or something....I dunno.

That is likely what happened. By relocating the files you can still open the song. Only if you save to some other duplicate file amd it's not in the Preaomus Songs path, you either have to create another path for Studio One to see songs along with its song folder and internal files.

This is often reported and it is not a bug. It's a similar song file structure as Pro Tools. There are numerous videos on it. One attached below.

Missing audio files also occur if you Save As to somewhere outside the song folder. If that file is recalled Studio One will create sub folders all over again at that location. Renaming songs? That too, if not done in the correct manner.


S1-6.6, HP Omen 17" i7 10th Gen, 32 GB,512 GB TLC M.2 (SSD),1 TB SSD. Win10 Pro, Audient iD14 MkII, Roland JV90, NI S49 MkII, Atom SQ, FP 8, Roland GR-50 & Octapad. MOTU MIDI Express XT. HR824, Yamaha HS-7, NS-1000M, Yamaha Promix 01, Rane HC-6, etc.

"Opus Magnet" (new)

"House on the Hill" (new)

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