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When midi files for guitar tracks are exported as midi, does the articulation data like guitar bends, slides, vibrato, tremolo also get exported? when I export it exports only the basic note data and not the articulation data.
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by Surf.Whammy on Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:33 pm
ravindranviswanathan wroteWhen midi files for guitar tracks are exported as midi, does the articulation data like guitar bends, slides, vibrato, tremolo also get exported? when I export it exports only the basic note data and not the articulation data.

I did a few experiments, and you are correct that exporting MIDI does not include the articulations . . . :(


Nevertheless, exporting MusicXML does include the various guitar articulations; but on importing the MusicXML, it initially is assigned to a Treble Clef Staff and the notes are played by a piano, which is a bit intriguing in the sense of being surprised NOTION supports bends on piano notes . . . :o

The staff label says "E. Guitar", but the notes are played by what sounds to me like piano . . .

This is easily remedied by going into NOTION Score Setup and changing the instrument from "Treble Clef Staff" to "Electric Guitar" or some other type of guitar . . .

Then, it's a note-for-note match with all the original articulations! :+1


MIDI? No . . .

MusicXML? Yes . . .

Lots of FUN! :)

P. S. I used the native NOTION Electric Guitar as a pedal steel guitar in one of my rare Country Western songs where I pretend to be a Country Western singer named Ferliss Nuberton . . .

The background on this is that in October 2012 I strained my back when installing a rather heavy studio monitor--an activity which required crawling around on the floor in awkward positions--and a few days later my back hurt so much I was afraid to sleep, since waking up and getting out of a recliner was frighteningly painful . . .

It got so bad that I could sleep only 45 minutes every 24 hours; so I went to the doctor and he prescribed powerful opioids (Norco 10); and he also told me to try to exercise and to drink more water, which I did . . .

A few months later, I could sleep for four hours; so I tapered down the opioids and soon was back to normal . . .

The key in this experience is knowing that I hate opioids and similar drugs . . .


I have a constant conversation in my mind with myself, and opioids stop the conversation . . .

I enjoy the conversations; and this is the way I think about things and ponder interesting problems in music and particle physics, among other topics, which for me is normal . . .

It's also the way I write; and mostly it's a matter of touch-typing what I hear in my mind, which is enhanced by being able to touch-type rapidly . . .

Once I was off the opioids and back to normal, I noticed there was a folder named "Country Western" on the Mac desktop; so I looked inside and discovered that for the past few months I had been composing and recording Country Western songs, apparently unbeknownst to "normal" me . . .

In retrospect, I guess I was channeling Johnny Cash and Hank Williams, which is fabulous . . .

[NOTE: This also when I realized that I no longer am a soprano. When I was in a liturgical boys choir, the choirmaster told me I was a soprano; and since then nobody told me anything different, so how was I supposed to know? ]

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