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Welcome to the Community Based Training Forum

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:27 am
by jpettit
Welcome to the Community Based Training Forum.

The forum is locked and thread topics area controlled by the Community Administrators. The counterpart to this forum is called Feedback & Requests. There you can post your own videos in which an Administrator will classify it under one of the three learning levels. Please also make a request for video tutorials that people can respond with a video for that topic. External links to videos or documentation that are in line with the thread are encouraged.

The key to using this forum once it becomes populated is using the advanced search function within the forum. Search for the key word you are looking for from within the training level.

This is a controlled learning forum and any post deemed "off topic" will be removed by the Administrator without notice so please, no general discussions, request for help, or off topic conversations.

Levels Definitions:
  • Beginners customers are those who are new to the product but has first read the manual.
  • Intermediate customers are those who are comfortable with the basics of the product but need particular details on a procedure or technique not found in Answers or the Knowledgebase.
  • Advance customers are those searching for procedures or techniques topics not typically found in Presonus resources.