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Hi, please consider this as a bug report (I hope somebody doesn't rather consider it a "feature"...)
After becoming crazy for some time I discovered that the presonus 1824 must be powered on BEFORE the pc, otherwise the asio driver refuses to load the default setting of 48 khz which I have set, and stays at 44.1. This causes some problem with some applications which aren't able to properly set the asio (for example synthedit or foobar). The strange thing is, if I forget to manually turn my 1824 on before the pc (it is in my rack), EVEN if I power it on and then reboot the pc, the asio still defaults to 44.1. I have to literally turn the pc off and then on again for the default setting of 48 khz to become active. Please don't tell me to set the windows audio devices to 48 khz: they are already but those have no effect on the asio (btw, I might want to set the asio default to 96 khz, while windows audio devices max rate is 48 khz, that has nothing to do with asio).
I hope this annoyance will be fixed. What really annoys is that the 1824 does not remember its power on status. I shall invent something to mechanically keep the button pressed.
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by marcz on Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:14 am
this problem has already been sent to Presonus, but it is not the only one, there is also a problem with the input and sotie SPDIF and ADAT which does not work correctly (problem of drivers too) and a bad synchronization of the audio frequency. Presonus tells me since August 2018 that this will be fixed in the next version for the 1824 interface but to date still no fix. :thumbdown:
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by elenanovaretti on Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:11 am
...and I must add a precisation... the trick of powering the 1824 before the pc also works erratically, it doesn't always work ! Most times after a reboot I open the asio settings and I read 44.1 khz. And there is no way to have synthedit working at 48 k with the asio driver. What really sucks, forgive me being rude, is the tech support. They always reply with those automated answer and standard suggestions which of course are generic and never helped anyone. My fear is that now the 1824 is deemed obsolete since the 1824 c came out and we won't get any software fix. Too bad... :thumbdown:
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by randallforsythe on Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:10 pm
I don't think the C version will change anything. The only difference is the USB connector. All other features are the same. The same is true for all the new USB-C models. I have an 1810 and it seems impossible to change the sampling rate to anything other than 44.1 without losing sound completely. Even then the setting won't "stick". It instantly reverts back to 44.1. Too bad there are no instructions in the manual or elsewhere on how to figure out what is interfering with it. I am not sure why an external hardware device can't be switched within its range of settings.
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by elenanovaretti on Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:58 am
I hope they will write a new asio driver for both interfaces then which can reliabily save the settings. They do have our bug reports. I don't know what they are still waiting for. My old terratec ews mic rack interface of 2004 had much better drivers. A pity I had to change it because it didn't work well any longer with x64 architecture
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by sergeypopov5 on Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:58 pm
I'm from the future 2021. The issue is still there with few months old 1824C. I can't seems to use the power-first trick neither. it stays 44.1 no matter what. When "Test" under Windows Properties it makes the sound, but does not work anywhere else, playing YT in browser or working ASIO in Ableton. Errors out.
Anyone has any suggestion?

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