StudioLive RM32Ai and RM16Ai Mixers & UC Surface with QMix Ai
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For those unfortunate folks who are buying these still fantastic mixers and the previous owner removed the serial number for some unknown reason preventing you from registering the unit, the firmware files are here. NOTE: the firmware files are NOT interchangeable from rm16 to rm32 units. Don't ask how I figured that out... :roll:

The latest firmware for the RM16 AI can be found here: ... /downloads

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by stephenbish on Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:54 pm
Thanks for that.
Just wondering if there will be a release for Sonoma, the newest operating software.
Reason I ask is that although my 2013 Retina MacBook runs the RM16ai just fine with an Apple Firewire to Thunderbolt converter, it has now got to the stage of being unsupported with the latest operating system I can install (Catalina 10.15.7) by Apple, and consequently Native Instruments. I am already running into issues with Komplete Kontrol and my s88 keyboard. I fear this is a sign of things to come and started looking into a new MacBook.
Found out the new m1 chips do not support Firewire and/or that Presonus is not releasing drivers for them. I don't understand how any of this works and am taking what I hear at face value.
Talked to a guy in the local shop today and he said it may be an issue with the chip set, and that the more expensive ones might work. Yeah he would say that I know.
I know I can buy a Thunderbolt to USBc converter but I do not want to spend the money on a new MacBook and a converter, only to find it will not work with my RM16ai.
Any advice on this, or suggestions as to where to find definite answers would be greatly appreciated.
The only other thing I can think of is to put a Firewire card in an old Windows 10 computer I have and make do with that. As I understand it though, Firewire was originally an Apple thing.
Another possibility might be to buy a used MacBook.
What would the latest one compatible with Firewire be?
Thanks in advance for any answers.

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface
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by wahlerstudios on Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:53 am
The "StudioLive AI and RM/RML - General Reference Overview 2023" article actually has "everything you need to kow", but there are more articles in Knowledge Base that explain the situation. The M1 and M2 Macs do not support Firewire anymore, so you have to use the alternatives. A fast old MacBook is still a fast computer... :)

"StudioLive AI and RM/RML - General Reference Overview 2023" ... rview-2023

"End of FireWire support and development" ... evelopment

"macOS 14 - Sonoma / iOS 17 / iPadOS 17 Compatibility with PreSonus products" ... s-products
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by stephenbish on Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:40 pm
Thank you so much for those links. Just had a quick look and it's no doubt going to take days for my ageing brain to digest so much information. Funniest part is, all this happened on the day Apple released their M3 MacBooks and after being happy with the one I bought nearly 11 years ago, I would have probably jumped right in. I do recall hearing about "Roseta" and issues with it in the past.
I'm getting more and more interested in stand alone music production devices these days. Bought an MPC Live2 a couple of years ago and atm I'm contemplating an Akai Force.
Did have a bit of a look online at used MacBooks and found a 2019 i9 with 64 gig ram at a fair enough price.
Issue there though is how long till Apple no longer support 'Big Sur" and I'm in exactly the same boat?

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface
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by SwitchBack on Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:56 pm
The thing is that there will always be something left behind at some point. The RM16AI is an ageing mixer which requires an obsolete interface (FireWire) no longer supported by the most recent operating systems.

So if you want to keep your software up to date then you should consider upgrading to a newer mixer or interface. Either that or freeze your system at the last versions of everything still supporting the RM16AI mixer.
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by stephenbish on Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:49 am
LOL Yeah when I bought it it was sold as "The Future of mixing". One of the main reasons I bought it. As to what I'm going to do, I've already ordered an Akai Force with Deck saver, gig bag and a gig bag for my MPC Live2 that I bought a couple of years ago.
All for the price of the MacBook I mentioned above.
I can persevere with my MacBook, but was running into all sorts of software problems today. Studio One not holding midi settings etc. I'll put a Firewire card in a windows 10 gaming pc I have and download NI software to that.
Mainly I'm quite happy to just go DAWless. I grew up in the coffee bar folk music scene where you didn't even use a mic for vocals and there was no such thing as a Piezo guitar pickup. And people used to shut up and listen!
Hope to get the Force set up with an FCB1010 for use with guitar/vocals as a solo performer.
Have enjoyed using the MPC for the last couple of years and as a retired Grey Nomad I spent at least half my time travelling anyway.
Think my days of computer based music making are over.
Sorry but less that 10 years from "The Future of mixing" to "an ageing mixer with an obsolete interface" is just a bit hard to accept for me personally. Maybe I'm just showing my age.
One thing I would like to know, given that I have this box with 16 mic pre's in it, is there anything I can do with it? Surely there must be some way of putting a card in the Dante slot with a useable interface. I have a pretty good local electronics technician. Main thing I would want to use it for is to leave multiple devices and mics plugged in, even if it could not be used for multi track recording. Something like a light pipe interface into my Babyface. A much older device, still well supported and very functional via USB.

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface
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by SwitchBack on Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:22 am
I get that. Still, in defence of the ageing mixer and the obsolete interface:

I don't think PreSonus (and with them the larger part of the Pro-AV industry) ever imagined FireWire to be replaced so quickly with network based AV interfacing. Between that and faster USB the niche simply disappeared. Add to that the layers upon layers of security added to new computers and operating systems, with no exception for the low level access which made FireWire so superior, and FireWire was doomed.

As for digital mixers they are ageing as fast as computers, simply because they are computers. If you don't want to be left behind you'll have to upgrade every 7 years or so. Compare that to analog desks! Still, you can use your AI mixer as an analog mixer. Simply forget about the audio interface part. All you need is a connection to control the DSP, frozen in time like the mixer itself ;)
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by wahlerstudios on Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:23 am
Sure, there is no problem to use the mixer as audio interface for many more years. Multitrack recording would need FireWire, Dante is no option because it's simply impossible to find a Dante option card. Once in a year there might be a mixer with a Dante card for sale somewhere on this planet, but then you really have to be fast...!

The PreSonus marketing has always been boastful, also the Series III mixers have seen lots of promises. The Series III mixers are maxed out, there will be nothing 'new' coming anymore. The hardware design does no allow 'more' features, not even the highly requested LPF filter. The Series III mixers were released six years ago.
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by stephenbish on Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:16 pm
Thanks guys for taking the time to explain things. I really appreciate it. Spent a bit of time yesterday with an Allen Heath Z10FX mixer I've had for about 15 years as usb audio interface into MPC Live2 and it works fine. Effects from mixer sound good on recorded audio into MPC. Playback also sounds good through my monitors. The amp sims in the MPC are also quite usable.
If I understand this correctly, then I can use the RM16ai XLR audio out into into 2 XLR inputs on the Z10FX. Then into MPC (and Force when it arrives next week) as an analogue mixer, controlled via app on iPad.
The main use for multi tracking for me personally atm is to multi track Trio practice sessions in my home studio (Guitar, Bass, V-Drums, Vocals) so that when we have a decent enough recording, I can give mixes to the other 2 players for use as home practice tracks. At least without multi tracking, I can simply record my parts, vox and guitar, and approximate their Bass and Drum parts as best I can. Probably better at step sequencing drum parts than playing them live.
Originally bought the V-Drums to help tighten my groove on guitar. I bit of advice I was given years ago.
Is it actually worth selling the RM16ai or is it now so obsolete as to be worthless?
Oh and I will get a Firewire card for my Windows10 desktop. Upgrade ram and ssd and install NI software. Used to use V-Drums as midi input for Kontakt Drum instruments. Also NI s88 keyboard for keys, so as you can see, as an age pensioner I am pretty heavily invested in all this music gear. Don't even start me on my guitar collection.
Longer term, I think if I was going to go further down this digital rabbit hole, I would invest, not only in a new MacBook, but an 8 track RME lightpipe mixer (interface or whatever it's called) into my Babyface).
LOL. That's the one I was looking at before discovering "The Future of Mixing"
I find companies like Allen Heath and RME to be a better long term investment.

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface
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by stephenbish on Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:18 pm
PS: the profile photo is about as out of date as my RM16ai.

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface
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by SwitchBack on Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:11 pm
Just be careful with connecting XLR outputs to XLR inputs. XLR outputs on mixers like the StudioLives tend to be line level outputs and may not like phantom power. XLR inputs tend to be microphone level inputs and may carry phantom power. Safer to go jack to jack or XLR to jack.
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by stephenbish on Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:46 pm
Yeah thanks Switchback. Aware of that and the Allan Heath phantom power is switchable. Did run into a few feedback issues with the MPC into the Allan Heath via USB but solved them with the channel switching in the Allan Heath.
I could always run the RM16ai into a 1/4" stereo pair and free up a couple of mic pre's on the Allan Heath but I hardly need them with 16 in the RM.Also I'm using the stereo pairs of 1/4" for V-Drums and Korg Wavestate.
As it is I use 4 XLR's on the RM for stereo guitar and vocals from my Voicelive3x. Had to buy a couple of TRS-XLR( male) leads to do that. Was always a little disappointed that the RM16ai did not have the duel XLR/TRS inputs.
One of my main uses for multi tracking Trio practice sessions is to provide my Bass player and Drummer with practice tracks they can use at home. I can also load Bass and Drum mixes into VL3x for both practice and solo gigs

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface
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by stephenbish on Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:01 pm
Oh and one other thing. I did a bit of a search online for 2cnd hand RM16ai's and the only one I found sold at auction a year ago in Sydney for I think it was $320. Take out auction fees and transport and It hardly sounds worth trying to sell it. A patch bay at best, or maybe a fancy door stop.

Macbook Pro 2.6GH 16GB Ram
RME Babyface

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