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This is the third (or fourth possibly) in a series of these Manic Mixday I have been doing and uploading to bitchute:
[video] [/video]

Mixing up the songs from Friday (and Saturday) as always a very information rich adventure with many plugins discussed related to that session. This time in preparation for playing guitar I set up most of the sounds of this performance.

0-16:30 setting up the guitar track, discussing the plugins used and tweaking and setting up the bus to get all the sends and the audio out from the track with fx. To get the right stereo width I finally turn off the Air Maximizer on the Master at the end here
17:00-20:00 rearranging the tracks till the sends are next to their isntruments for Prophet, TD 17 and a few others.

20:00 rearranging the session, and trying to locate any track that is using the FX8 send and FX27 send with none found.
24:30 -30:00 changed up the drums fx.

31:30-36:30 Looking into the Problems of the Repeating System 1m Fixed that with a volume automation

37:50 looking into the issue of the machine gun sound and trying to rediscover what it was by solo out each audio source in turn.

43:20 add unused FX8 and FX27 as sends for CASS 808 and double add the Fetish Compressor to make it louder

44:20 Worked on iPhone sound, adding a compressor to crush the high vol start and bring up the general machine hum of the sound
added a compressor and this worked well to make it a more functional sound. Brought it to a decent volume using the Utilation Effect (New effect I never used before) by Duarte Vinagre.
This was me perusing the known sounds for the source of that machine gun sound still.

Discover Prophet extra record on Arp Audio track that was getting 1 2 input instead of ARP instrrument, and was the source of the machine gun sound which I finally found was the extra track recording which got its input by default when the ARP was added but the audio didn't choose to keep my inputs when the arp got added to that track. Decided to keep the 2nd track of Prophet which should have been the ARP, in the last few minutes.

Aorus Elite X570
12 USB, 1000/1000 (Mbps)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT
12/24 CORE, 48 GB RAM
WIndows 11 Pro
Studio One Artist 6.1
Presonus Studio interfaces:
1810C (8 ins, S1 engine)
1824C (8 ADAT to 1810C)

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