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Some feature requests :)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:31 pm
by drumlogik808
1. GUI improvements. The drab grey scheme is rather uninspiring to work in. Please give us color customization options!
2. Engraving improvements. The last update was a step up in the right direction but it can be better.
3. Rulers and margins like in Sibelius.
4. The ability to assign MIDI CC to transport controls.
5. Better integration with Studio One; exporting MIDI.
6. MIDI CC option for NTEmpo control.
7. Note Pitch shortcuts using the QWERTY keyboard, like every other major notation software.
8. More streamlined Custom Rule integration. Again, there has been improvements to this in the last update but I feel that it can/should be more streamlined.
9.'R' shortcut for Repeat like in Sibelius. Useful for repeating/duplicating single notes.. this allows me to work very quickly in Sibelius. Please implement something similar..

Hope you guys are listening! :readit: :idea: