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any ideas on this. Vienna Instruments pro, ensemble etc are enabled in the plug manager.. thanks

Cannot find the plug-in Vienna Ensemble; make sure it is installed and enabled in the plug-in manager.
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by Surf.Whammy on Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:49 pm
liquidsonus wroteany ideas on this. Vienna Instruments pro, ensemble etc are enabled in the plug manager.. thanks

Cannot find the plug-in Vienna Ensemble; make sure it is installed and enabled in the plug-in manager.

Providing a bit more information will be helpful, including the operating system platform (Mac or Windows, with the version, such as Mac OS X 10.9.4 or Windows 7) . . .

I do not have NOTION 5 yet, but if you are using NOTION 4, you need to check whether it is running in 32-bit mode or 64-bit mode, since there are different flavors of VSTi virtual instruments and VST effects plug-ins for each mode, although on the Mac as I recall they probably are packaged in the same file. On a Windows machine, I think they will be in separate locations . . .

Another possibility is that there are two major versions of the general Virtual Studio Technology (VST), and the one that most hosting applications like NOTION use is VST 2, which on the Mac is in a different location from VST 3 plug-ins . . .

VST 3 plug-ins (VSTi virtual instruments and VST effects) generally are compatible with VST 2 hosting applications, but when a hosting application only implements VST 2, it might not be able to host a VST 3 plug-in, depending primarily on the way the third-party vendor implemented VST 3 in their plug-in . . .

Yet another possibility is that you need to run Vienna Ensemble before starting NOTION, since it is a streaming audio server, but since I do not have Vienna Ensemble, this is just a guess . . .

The difference is that Vienna Instruments and Vienna Instruments Pro are players and audio rendering engines, and they are VSTi virtual instruments as NOTION sees them, but Vienna Ensemble is a bit different, so this is a possibility . . .

Observing that everything is important when investigating this type of problem, you refer to "Vienna Ensemble", but the current version is Vienna Ensemble Pro 5, so it is possible that you are running an older 32-bit only standard version of Vienna Ensemble rather than the 64-bit current version of Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 . . .

As noted (see above), the mode in which you run NOTION makes a difference with respect to VSTi virtual instruments and VST effects plug-ins, and some of these only run in 32-bit mode, while others work in 32-bit mode and 64-bit mode, although they might be two separate files . . .

While most hosting applications provide support for VST 2 and at least some of VST 3, very few hosting applications currently support VST Expression 2, which is a truly mind-bogglingly fabulous enhancement to VST; and the reason is that implementing it requires a lot of software engineering work. Basically, if you want to use VST Expression, then you need to use Cubase 6 (Steinberg) and HALion 5, where HALion 5 is Steinberg's advanced synthesizer and sampling engine . . .

If a new version of NOTION fully implemented VST Expression, I think it is accurate to suggest that everyone who participates in this FORUM would be so excited they would wet their pants, although it is possible that I am speaking only for myself in this regard . . . :P

[NOTE: VST Expresson 2 (the current version of VST Expression) is part of VST 3.5, and it includes Note Expression, Expression Maps, and VST Dynamics. The succinct high-level overview is that VST Expression 2 moves beyond the limitations imposed by MIDI, and while implementing it in some respects is akin to designing and building the Hoover Dam or the Panama Canal, it provides a solution for just about everything involved in sculpting audio. However, another way to understand VST Expression 2 is in terms of the Melodyne Editor (Celemony), since the Melodyne Editor has similar capabilities for sculpting audio . . . ]


VST Expression (Steinberg)

[NOTE: At present, the Melodyne VST effects plug-in does not work with 64-bit hosts like NOTION 4, hence it cannot be enabled in the NOTION 4 VST Manager; but on the Mac it works as an Audio Unit (AU) plug-in with 64-bit hosts like Digital Performer 8 (MOTU), Logic Pro X (Apple), and Studio One 2.6+ Producer/Professional; and Melodyne Essentials is included with Studio One 2.6+ Professional. The trial version of Melodyne Essentials is included with Studio One 2.6+ Artist/Producer. This is an incentive to get Studio One 2.6+ Professional if you do not already have the Melodyne Editor, since the MSRP upgrade from Melodyne Essentials to the Melodyne Editor is $299 (US) versus the full MSRP price for the Melodyne Editor, which is $399 (US), hence for all practical purposes is a $100 (US) discount on getting the Melodyne Editor . . . ]

Melodyne (Celemony)


This is all the comes to mind at the moment, so hopefully one of the possibilities will point you to a solution . . .

Lots of FUN! :)

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