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I somewhat recently got a FireStudio Project 10x10 from a friend. I've been trying to run it in Pro Tools First, but I've been experiencing some pretty serious hindrances. It only lets me record from the first four of eight inputs even though Universal Control recognizes all of my inputs; and, seemingly randomly, the audio I've already recorded will corrupt. This was never an issue when I was using a Scarlet 2i2.

So after that long-winded introduction, I'm just wondering if I should bite the bullet and purchase Studio One +, or get Pro Tools Studio?

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by SwitchBack on Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:52 pm
Hi and welcome to this forum :)

Here's a link to the product page of your discontinued interface. Should allow you to download the control software (including driver) you need for your FSP, and the manual etc. etc.

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