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Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

I've been using Studio One Artist for a while now, and I've used it with my Roland UA-22 Duo-Capture EX before. But just yesterday, I booted it up and the input selections on the Audio I/O Setup were not appearing and I could not select the inputs (refer to photo below)!
- Preferences > Audio Setup > Song Setup > Audio I/O Setup

The interface still works with my computer - it's able to connect to my monitors and plays music fine from Spotify. Embarrassingly, I had to use Garageband to record some urgent tracks - the interface worked fine with it. So I've narrowed it down to Studio One being the issue.

I've reinstalled my interface's driver and updated Studio One, restarted my system multiple times, switched USB ports - all to no avail.

Would appreciate some advice on this, thank you!


macOS Monterey 12.0.1
Studio One Artist OSX x64
Roland UA-22 Duo-Capture EX

Screenshot 2024-01-21 at 7.10.24 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-01-21 at 7.38.59 PM.png
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by SwitchBack on Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:12 am
Hi and welcome to this forum :)

This could be due to access rights. Make sure you grant Studio One access to your 'microphone' (System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy).
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by gerardbong on Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:16 am
SwitchBack wroteHi and welcome to this forum :)

This could be due to access rights. Make sure you grant Studio One access to your 'microphone' (System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy).

Thanks for the quick reply!

I've checked my settings - Studio One has access to my microphone but still no inputs :(
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by SwitchBack on Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:26 am
Also note that in Studio One on macOS you have the option to select different interfaces for inputs and outputs. Maybe toggle your selection (and back) and restart?
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by gerardbong on Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:01 am
SwitchBack wroteAlso note that in Studio One on macOS you have the option to select different interfaces for inputs and outputs. Maybe toggle your selection (and back) and restart?

Yes this worked!! Thanks so much - I didn't know you could use multiple interfaces at the same time on a Mac! The problem was that my computer was reading the inputs and outputs as 2 separate devices, and Studio One was only seeing the device with the outputs. So I had to combine these 2 into an aggregate device (refer below) and use that in Studio One instead. Thanks for the help!!

Watched this video by Sam Loose that was super useful - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYBBlqtx9K4&t=54s

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 4.59.27 PM.png
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by SwitchBack on Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:30 am
You shouldn't need that.

Absolutely weird that your interface registers as two halves. And even if that's the way it is you wouldn't need to aggregate the two halves for Studio One, because you can set the output halve as you playback device and the input halve as your recording device.
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by gerardbong on Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:06 am
SwitchBack wroteYou shouldn't need that.

Absolutely weird that your interface registers as two halves. And even if that's the way it is you wouldn't need to aggregate the two halves for Studio One, because you can set the output halve as you playback device and the input halve as your recording device.

Hmm. How do i do that in Studio One?
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by SwitchBack on Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:47 am
First of all the problem isn't with Studio One, the problem is with the installation of the interface in macOS. The interface should install and show up as a single 2x2 interface but it doesn't. So that needs to be looked at, with the help of AU maybe.

As for Studio One: On the start page click on 'Configure Audio Device...'. It opens a window where you can set your playback device and your recording device. Until the driver installation is sorted set the AU-22 outputs as your playback device and the AU-22 inputs as your recording device (in that order). No aggregation needed.

Or maybe not. Looking at your posts I see you're still on Studio One v2.6.5. Looks like that version didn't have the 2-interface option yet. Is that version even supported for Monterey?
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by gerardbong on Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:10 am
SwitchBack wroteFirst of all the problem isn't with Studio One, the problem is with the installation of the interface in macOS. The interface should install and show up as a single 2x2 interface but it doesn't. So that needs to be looked at, with the help of AU maybe.

As for Studio One: On the start page click on 'Configure Audio Device...'. It opens a window where you can set your playback device and your recording device. Until the driver installation is sorted set the AU-22 outputs as your playback device and the AU-22 inputs as your recording device (in that order). No aggregation needed.

Or maybe not. Looking at your posts I see you're still on Studio One v2.6.5. Looks like that version didn't have the 2-interface option yet. Is that version even supported for Monterey?

I've reinstalled my interface driver, but it still didn't fix the issue. Pardon my ignorance, but what is AU?

Yeah my version is 2.6.5. Mostly works fine - maybe time to upgrade
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by SwitchBack on Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:21 am
Ah, that should read UA (Universal Audio) of course :lol:

Other question: Does your Mac officially support Monterey or did you patch it? Because patching is a slippery slope too for (time) critical applications like DAWs.
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by gerardbong on Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:58 am
SwitchBack wroteAh, that should read UA (Universal Audio) of course :lol:

Other question: Does your Mac officially support Monterey or did you patch it? Because patching is a slippery slope too for (time) critical applications like DAWs.

Ahh thanks!

I'm guessing it does I didn't do any patching haha

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