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Hi all,

After a break away from using Studio One, as I'm not particularly proficient with technology though I want to get my songs recorded, I decided to upgrade to Studio One 5.4 and give it another try.

I'm using it with an AudioBoxUSB on an iMac.

As soon as I open 'Create New Song' the CPU is clipping badly, before I've even added a track to record in or plugged in an instrument.

I've set Dropout Protection to Maximum and tried Device Block Size at 128, 256 and 512 samples with no change.

Is there anything obvious I've not done correctly?

p.s. This wasn't an issue I previously had when giving up on Studio One 4!!!!

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by reggie1979beatz on Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:33 pm
It's hard to say. You should post your specs because maybe someone mac can give you some pointers. Personally, I haven't had any CPU issues with 5.4 or any version of 5, but I'm sure there is something that can be done :)


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