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I'm probably missing something here, but after a few tries I still haven't figured out how best to use S1 in one of my main creative processes. I use 'creative' loosely here to mean times when you want to figure out what to sing or play -- typically a harmony or accompaniment.

For example, I want to add strings at various places in a song. I set up a loop for the whole song I'm working on, and start feeling my way toward an unknown goal. Given my modest keyboard skills, this can take a while, and a dozen passes or more through the loop would not be unusual. With luck, there will be a few gems scattered about.

But they're often not in the right place -- I might want to use a lick earlier or later -- or I've got more than one idea at the same spot. I might want to insert it and build on it. Collecting the good pieces and placing them in the song is where I'm having trouble. Maybe experience with a different DAW is blocking my understanding of the S1 way. Recording to layers doesn't seem to work because S1 preserves a clip's location, and that's usually a good thing, but I want to gather the good bits, dump the rest, and then test the possibles in the actually song. Scratch pads won't work because the tracks are still linked to the song, so if I put a clip from track 6 on scratch pad track 1 it will use the instrument and effects of the song's track 1.

When I realized that neither layers nor scratch pads was working, I expanded the layers to tracks, created a holding track and copied sections of interest to it. That seemed more flexible. Is that the best approach -- either expanding layers to tracks or just recording to tracks to begin with? Is there a better way?

A scratch pad linked to a single track but providing multiple slots for snippets might suit my needs. :D

I realize this foregoes the slick comping from layers that S1 does so well. When it's appropriate, that's a powerful tool. It's just that in some situations, I need it to stop helping.

Thanks for any suggestions on this.

Windows 11 Pro 64; Lenovo ThinkCentre 720t; Intel I-7; 32GB; Studio One 6.1 and Sphere; Focusrite Scarlett 18i8; Yamaha MX61 kbd

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