Includes StudioLive 312Ai, 315Ai 328Ai and SL18sAi
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hi guys , can the sl room correction software be installed on an andriod device ,eg like a tablet ( galaxy tab 3 ,) or only on ipads alone

want to buy a tablet but need some help in deciding which one to buy

P.S im not a fan of i pads but if i have no other choice i will have to buy it
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by FinalSaga on Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:03 pm
Hey Passolutions

I will have to dissapoint you with a no on that one
I know what you mean about iPads and such
But I'm sorry no, there is only for iOS no android


Studio One v2.x 3.x 4.x-

Windows 10 Ultimate 64Bit
AMD Ryzen (3.4Ghz) and 32gigs RAM
Graphic: Radeon 5700XT

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by P.A.LOVER on Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:57 pm
This is why i never buy Android for phone or tablet , Apple's more closed system is ideal for Audio Applications at the end of the day they both do the same thing sure there are small differences and the Fandroids get all weird saying Apple won't let you do this or that but who cares i haven't had a problem running ios since i got my 1st Iphone 3gs, but i would have like for the SL ROOM CONTROL to support my old 1st gen Ipad had to buy an Ipad mini 3rd sen.
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by mwright137 on Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:16 am
Just an FYI - it is rarely (if ever) the case that an app won't support a particular version of the iPad. It is actually usually the case that an app will only support iOS X..Y and later, and the particular iPad that "is not supported" cannot upgrade to iOS X.Y due to Apple's upgrade restrictions.

I am Sir Melvis Bacon, Knight of BaconHam Palace.

Studio One 2 Pro 3.3.x (64 bit). MacBook Pro 13". OS X Sierra version 10.12.3.
RM16AI and CS18AI connected in Stagebox mode via MOTU AVB Switch.
StudioLive 328AI (x2); AudioBox 22 VSL; BlueTube DP V2; FaderPort; Monitor Station; RC 500; Temblor T10.

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